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Delegate Information

November Federation Meeting

Date of Meeting: November 16, 2024  




Chairman Mike Behnke called the meeting to order at 9:03 am.  


I.  Opening Devotion 


President Hacker shared a devotion on Psalm 103 considering the many blessings that God has given to us. How we are able to have God-pleasing thanksgiving and praise is through faith, faith that receives his spiritual blessings and expresses itself with thanksgiving.  


Motion made, seconded, and carried to approve the agenda.  

II.  Minutes (cf. previously submitted minutes) 

A.  AUG 10 2024- Quarterly Federation Meeting Minutes 


Motion made, seconded, and carries to approve the minutes. 


III.  Finances - Greg Kolar 


Greg Kolar shared the committee’s report. He presented the proposed budget in order to give a true picture of the needs of our teachers and our school. He also highlighted the motions that had been passed. 

Director of Finance Abigail Flitter worked through the proposed budget more closely to explain the increased costs and proposed numbers. (c.f. MLHS 25-26 Budget Talking Points and MLHS 25-26 Budget Proposal) 

Question raised in regard to property next to the school. Chairman Behnke explained that we are putting together a plan to see what it all would take to purchase the trailer court and extend our facilities/property.  

Question was brought forward where we are at in addressing the Housing Allowance for the Called Workers. Evidently there was a proposal that we work to raise our Housing Allowance to bring it up to Synod Code. President Hacker assured the Federation that we are continuing to review and address.  

Motion made, seconded, and carries to pass the proposed budget as presented. 


IV.  ​Campaign Update - Jerry Haupt 


Jerry Haupt presented the update on the building campaign. In addition to his report, he informed the Federation about the Site Planning Committee that will be meeting in the future.  


V.  Reports -- Questions, Highlights, Discussion (cf. previously submitted reports) 

a.  Chairman – Mike Behnke 

Chairman Behnke shared his report. (He has a basketball scrimmage to coach, so his report was moved forward.) He also shared the “Transportation” report (Mark Rogne excused from the meeting today). Mr. Behnke worked through looking forward to the transportation needs that we will be facing in the future and how we are looking to address them.  


b. President – Ps. Jason Hacker 

President Hacker shared his report. He communicated the appreciation he has for the faithful, faith-driven stewardship of our school and Federation that we do better with less! At the same time, we recognize that although we may have “less” compared to other schools, we have many, many blessings for which we are thankful. 


c. Education - Rick Zimmerman 

Mr. Dave Ulhorn presented the Education Committee’s report (Mr. Zimmerman excused for the meeting).  


d. Building and Grounds – Mark Mueller 

Mr. Mueller excused from the meeting. President Hacker shared highlights from the Building and Grounds report. Mark Ross has accepted the new position of Facilities Manager.  


e. Admissions – Tim Lukasek 

Mr. Lukasek shared highlights from his committee’s report.  


f. Student/Staff Services - Pastor Steven Wall 

Pastor Wall presented the report and gave highlights for the Federation emphasizing the Special Requests and Topics of discussion.  


g. Mission Advancement - Matthew Menges 

Mr. Menges shared highlights from the Mission Advancement report.  



h. Finances - Greg Kolar 

i.  Profit and Loss  

ii. Balance Sheet  

Mr. Kolar gave his report near the beginning of the meeting.  


Motion made, seconded, and passed to accept the reports as presented.  


VI.  Updates from Previous Meetings 

VII. Action Items 

a. Vote to Approve Budget for 2025-2026 School Year 


C.f. point II above 


b. Vote on Housing Cap 

Motion made, seconded, and passed to leave the Housing Cap as it is.  


VIII. Adjournment/Closing Prayer 


Motion made, seconded, and passed to adjourn the meeting at 10:21 am.  

President Hacker closed the meeting with prayer.  


IX. Tour of Building Addition 

X.  Upcoming Dates: 


Next Meeting: Saturday, February 8, 2025 

Closing Prayer


By 2026, Manitowoc Lutheran High School will continue to use the gifts God gives his people to serve as a light in the Manitowoc area, to model the ministry of an area Lutheran high school and be a trusted program that reaches out to prospective families at home and abroad. 

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