Tuition Costs and Assistance
Step 1
Apply to Wisconsin Parental Choice Program.
If you do not qualify or do not get approved, move to step 2.
Step 2
Contact your congregation for tuition assistance. Many local churches have tuition assistance programs in place. Apply for these through your church. If this does not cover your costs, move to step 3.
Step 3
Apply to MLHS Needs Based Tuition Assistance (NBTA). The NBTA is given out based on need of those who apply.
Step 4
To assist with any remainder of your tuition or fees, look into our SCRIP program below.
Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP)
Wisconsin's statewide Parental Choice Program, a private school voucher program, offers school vouchers to students whose families meet certain income qualifications. Family income must be at or below 220% of the federal poverty level. For a family of four that amount is $58,300, or $65,300 if the student’s parents are married.
For more information on the School Choice Program, visit their website at
To apply, visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Application Page.
Congregation Assistance
Many congregations offer their own tuition assistance programs for their members.
If you are currently attending a church, contact your pastor for information and instructions on applying.
MLHS Needs Based Tuition Assistance (NBTA)
To be considered for MLHS Tuition Assistance, you will need to fill out the online financial aid form.
PLEASE NOTE: Applications for NBTA and WPCP are two separate online applications.
New or Returning Student applying for MLHS NBTA and not applying for WPCP - Login with your TADS username and password. Use the TADS Financial Aid Worksheet to gather all of the information you will need to complete the online MLHS NBTA application by clicking on the link TADS Financial Aid Application).
SCRIP (School Cash Rebate Incentive Program) is substitute money and is an incredible tool for Manitowoc Lutheran High School families to earn tuition credits for current or future tuition. When you purchase SCRIP, you’re purchasing gift cards and gift certificates that are used just like cash for local and national vendors. You can use SCRIP to purchase everyday expenses like food, gas, clothing, restaurants, home improvements, medical, travel, plus much more. With every purchase you make using Scrip, you are generating extra income for families with a tuition credit account along with budgeted and non-budgeted items at Manitowoc Lutheran High School.
Families may apply their SCRIP Account proceeds toward tuition. Information on redeeming these funds will be made available to each family in May. For those new to SCRIP, it is a great way to earn tuition credits for current or future tuition.
For more information, visit our SCRIP page.
Tuition Rates for 2024-2025
for 2023-24 tuition rates please call the MLHS main office at (920)-682-0215
MLHS Cost of education per student
Repeat Performance subsidy per student
- $968
MLHS Federation general tuition subsidy
- $1,275
Third source Funding (gifts, endowment, etc)
- $3,037
MLHS Tuition (discount based on zones)
WELS congregation members will receive a tuition discount, increasing for those who must travel further to attend Manitowoc Lutheran High School.
Zone 1 tuition cost: $6,400 for first student/siblings $6,100
Zone 2 tuition cost: $6,350 for first student/siblings $6,050
Zone 3 tuition cost: $6,200 for first student/siblings $5,900
All other tuition cost: $7,400
What payment options are available?
There are 3 payment options:
Pay in full to receive 3% discount (withdrawal on or before July 1st)
Two Payments (1st withdrawal on July 1st, and 2nd withdrawal on January 1st)
Automatic Monthly Withdrawal (July-May)
All families will be registered through MLHS’ automated payment service after enrollment is completed. You will receive an email invite from that service to select your payment plan and finalize account information. MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express will be accepted for tuition payments (subject to applicable service charges).
Should I consider applying for MLHS Needs-Based Tution Assistance (NBTA)?
Manitowoc Lutheran High School wishes to help families committed to Christian education for their high school student. Financial, special circumstances, and additional factors are considered. Families are encouraged to apply for MLHS' NBTA.
Why is there a fee to apply for MLHS' NBTA?
In order to evaluate all families fairly and consistently, assistance applications require financial information from the applicants. In order to protect families' privacy and ensure the security of this information, MLHS uses an evaluation formula through TADS. There is a cost related to utilizing this service. The cost is per family applying, not per student.
The first time a new family applies for NBTA, MLHS will cover the cost of that application ($39). Should that family apply again in future years, the family will be responsible for the fee.
In the event a family applies for and is awarded NBTA, MLHS will cover that fee through the amount of assistance provided.
How is assistance from my congregation handled?
Many congregations provide tuition assistance to their members. Each has its own method, criteria, and timeline. MLHS treats congregation assistance as an extra payment to your family account once it is received from the congregation by our Business Office. In the event a student is awarded a WPCP voucher payment, the family is to contact the congregation to let them know its tuition assistance is no longer needed for that student's tuition.