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Student News Nov. 29th - Dec. 3rd


MLHS Basketball Apparel

Get your Girl's Basketball apparel today by ordering online. The store closes on November 30th at midnight, so don't delay. Order here!



The end of the semester is coming fast which means Semester exams. This past week, students received the study guides that will help them begin getting ready for those exams. These exams are of great benefit to our students who are preparing for standardized tests, college placement tests, college level courses, or exams in the workforce to advance. No exam will be more than 20% of the overall grade for the course. Please encourage your students to finish strong and begin to prepare for those exams.

Missing work: Any work past these deadlines will result in your student being ineligible and will require an after school study period to finish the work. Dec 3rd- Everything from Nov 19th or before Dec 10th- Everything from Nov 26th or before Dec 17th- Everything from Dec 10th or before (note this is only 1 week) Dec 20th- All work is due (anything not in will require an after school study hall) Any other work remaining will be made up starting Dec 22nd at 8am. According to our policy, all work is due 10 days after our last academic day. This semester all work is due by Dec 27th at 11:59pm. Work not in results in an F for the class.



As we turn our attention to another celebration of the birth of our Savior, the Student Staff Services Committee is giving everyone the opportunity to share your joy at Christmas with those who teach and extend their Christian love to you every day here at MLHS. We are bringing back SCRIPMAS for the Teachers! This is a chance for students and your families to join forces financially for a special Christmas gift to the faculty. Click here to let us know how much you wish to donate. All donations will be run through your TADS account.


Grandpa G’s Christmas Trees to Benefit Tuition Assistance Funds

Grandpa G’s Christmas Tree Farm will donate all designated monies collected from the sale of their u-cut Christmas trees to benefit Fox Valley Lutheran and Manitowoc Lutheran High School’s tuition assistance funds. Grandpa G’s has Fraser Firs (up to 13’), Blue Spruce (up to 9’) and Canaan Fir (up to 14’). The farm is located on Hwy 96 between Wrightstown and Denmark at 3159 Lark Rd Greenleaf, WI 54126. Hours are Friday, Nov. 26 (9am to dusk). Every Saturday and Sunday until Dec.12 (11am to dusk). After Dec. 12, you may call for an appointment and we will be happy to accommodate you right up until Dec 23. All trees are $40 any size. Saws and twine for securing your tree are available for use. When you arrive to cut your tree, please let us know which tuition assistance fund you want to support or to be split between both. We will make a note of it and send the proceeds to the respective schools just in time for Christmas. Questions or to cut a tree by appointment, please call Paul Griepentrog at (920)428-4303.


MLHS Call Update

The MLHS Federation called Pastor Aaron Dolan for the theology department. Aaron is brother to MLHS teacher Jeff Dolan. Aaron is married with 3 children. This call is to replace Pastor Jon Meyer who took a one-year call to serve this year. As a reminder, the call to replace Renee Schmill, who will be retiring at the end of the year, has been accepted by Ms. Meredith Milbrath. This call is for the music department and drama. Meredith currently serves at Risen Savior located in Mankato, MN. Thank you for keeping all and your high school in your prayers.


Photography Art Show

Want to take in some amazing pictures that the students from the Photography class took during first semester? Then be sure to stop in at MLHS on Sunday, December 5th, from 1-3pm and browse the gallery of pictures in the MLHS Senior Center off of the commons. You can enter through the Commons entrance. Enjoy!


Graduation Keepsakes

Calling all Seniors - Congratulations, you will soon be a high school graduate! Many gifts & keepsakes are available to help you memorialize your years in high school, as well as celebrate your accomplishments. For a complete list of pricing and available graduation keepsakes, go to


School Pictures Available

Student pictures for Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors are available to order or download through smugmug. Simply find your student picture, click the green "buy photos" button and choose from many size and finish options. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kock.

Please note that Senior Pictures for the Yearbook are due at the end of February. Have your photographer send your pictures to Mrs. Kock ( The photo can be landscape (horizontal) or portrait (vertical).



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