Season’s Greetings from MLHS! As I was contemplating the writing of this note, I thinking about how to introduce myself. What is the traditional way of introducing yourself to someone you are meeting for the first time. What is my identity as I share this message? It certainly is a popular question in the world today and one that many people of different backgrounds and experiences will answer in many different ways. In my youth, when asked to describe or introduce myself, my description would have likely involved the sports that I was involved in. I would have listed some accomplishments of the teams I was a part of and that would have been enough. In my early ministry, I would have listed some of the hats I wore – principal, AD, teacher, etc. But is that really a good description of who I am. It may have been accurate to the different positions I held, but it wasn’t who I really was. This question “Who are you?” is actually a question I asked on most of the OT theology tests I gave over the past 2 years. Hopefully the Sophomores and Juniors would be able to still answer this accurately. If you know one, go ahead and ask them! For those of us who have been blessed with the gift of faith in Jesus, the answer is “I am a dearly loved child of God”. The question is, in this coming Christmas season, how apparent is my true identity? How obvious is it to those around me that the baby Jesus is my God and Savior? Probably not as obvious as I’d like it to be. So, my goal recently and going forward is one we could maybe all adopt, to make my relationship with my Savior plain and obvious for all those I encounter. Instead of being cautious about who I am, I will be confident in my God and Lord! So, greetings from a Dearly Loved Child of God! Have a blessed Advent Season and a Merry Christmas!