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Staff Message - Nathan King


Christian Culture vs. World Culture

This week at MLHS, we celebrated something very special and very American, Veterans Day. I say it is very American because this was the first time some of our international friends took part in Veterans Day festivities. Happy Veterans Day to all of you veterans out there! I’d like you to know how much we at MLHS appreciate you and your service. We were able to show our appreciation to some veterans by serving them breakfast and having a special chapel service. The assembly was also blessed to have one of the veterans in attendance share her story of service to her country.

Our chapel service focused on Psalm 46. I’d encourage you to read the entire psalm, but I will share verses 1-3 here. “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who can always be found in times of trouble. That is why we will not fear when the earth dissolves and when the mountains tumble into the heart of the sea. Its waters roar and foam. The mountains quake when it rises.”

As the International Program Director, I’ve had opportunity to consider what makes our culture different than others. I think if we’re honest, American culture is not that different than other cultures. What unites the world? Sin. Left on our own, we are self-serving creatures grabbing at every whim of the world promising to satisfy our every desire. This is, after all, why we have veterans. Countries go to war because the citizens of those countries are sinful. We are too. It’s a battle our Savior fights for us and with us.

Psalm 46 goes on to say in verses 6-7, “Nations are in turmoil. Kingdoms fall. God raises his voice. The earth melts. The Lord of Armies is with us. The God of Jacob is a fortress for us.” What makes us different in this world is not our earthly nationality. It is our eternal citizenship. We have a Father who sent His Son into our broken world to not just be our great fortress, but to break our chains of bondage to sin and bring us home with Him. We have a Savior who loved us beyond our selfishness and became our redeeming sacrifice on the cross. He is our ultimate warrior who goes before us and wins true freedom for us. We are united by our Christian culture. This culture goes beyond national borders unifying people through the faith.

It has certainly been a special week at MLHS celebrating and recognizing members of our armed forces. I am proud to be an American, and thank you again for your service! However, it’s always a special day at MLHS because God speaks to each one of us through His Word as a group and as a unique individual. Countries around the world have special days to celebrate their countries and cultures. God’s people have everyday to celebrate their Creator and Fortress who will not let them fall no matter what trials may come into their lives. Jesus is our Warrior giving us true peace through His ultimate sacrifice. Thank you, Jesus. We appreciate you and your service!


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