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Staff Message - Nathan Hochmuth

Math. What kind of a reaction do you have when you hear that word? Do you appreciate a subject filled with power, order, and symmetry; or do you cringe at the Algebra homework that you had to complete in school? What if I told you that you can appreciate God through math?

Colossian 1:15-17 (EHV)

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation, for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, things seen and unseen, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and all things hold together in him.”

As a math teacher here at Manitowoc Lutheran, I get the unique privilege of being able to teach math using a Christian worldview. You may wonder, “Isn’t math just about numbers and geometric figures, and solving equations?” You are correct, that is part of it, but who created the concept of numbers and geometric figures, and the language of equations that are implanted into our world? Why does 2+2 =4? Why has that concept never changed even though many “truths” have changed over time? As Christians, we know this is true because God created everything, including the language of math, when he created the world. We, as humans, have invented ways to describe the concepts we view in His creation. Now as we study math in the light of God’s Word, we see how God in his infinite wisdom and power holds all creation together (and that includes math). One of the purposes of math is that it allows us a chance to behold God’s glory in His creation. Malachi 3:6 “Certainly I, the Lord, do not change.” Since God does not change and he holds all things together, we know that 2+2 will always equal 4. The Pythagorean Theorem will always hold true, no matter what the world decides to believe. Alternate Interior Angles will always be congruent because God holds all things together, including the mathematical principles that he infused into this world. We can appreciate this beauty of math as we study a consistent subject only because they are held together by a God who never changes. The concept of infinity and irrational numbers (numbers with decimals that have no end) remind us that God is infinite. Psalm 147:5 “Great is our Lord and mighty in power. To his understanding there is no limit.” The concept of infinity only exists because we have a God who is infinite, so when we take the time to stop and think about that, we are appreciating the glory of our infinite and omnipotent God. The power, order, and symmetry of math are other characteristics of math, that are only evident because we have an all-powerful God of order who created and holds together all of the properties and characteristics of His creation.

So, the next time you study or see a math concept, you can be thankful. If you are out of school, maybe you are thankful to not have to complete another homework assignment. But you can be thankful for a God who has power over the entire universe that He created. He created a world infused with mathematical principles that are consistent because He holds them together. As worldly “truth” disappears and many in this world claim their own truths, cling to God and His promises. Find great joy and comfort that God is consistent and holds all things together, find joy in the consistencies of math and that 2+2 will always equal 4. Since he holds that principle together we also know that He holds all of his promises together and will follow through on them. God promises to remember my sin no more because of what Jesus did for us, so I can trust that that promise will also hold true because God does not change. What joy to know that God, in his infinite wisdom, knew that he would send a Savior for you and I. He knew this before time existed, because he knew that we would not be able to measure up to His standard of perfection. We can rest confidently knowing that the God who creates and sustains all things, will remain consistent and has the authority to follow through in His promise to bring us together with Him for all eternity one day. To God be the Glory!


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