Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..."
I love my job. I don’t smile all the time or bubble with excitement nonstop, but I do love my job. Here are some things that make my job awesome.
Watching students grow and mature. It happens every day and in every class.
Sharing in all kinds of worship every day. A Veteran’s Day service, homeroom devotions every week, and prayers with teams, just to name a few.
Playing games for much of the day.
Creating stuff with your kids.
Being around athletes working hard to improve their skills, and those athletes are having fun working hard.
Taking photos and seeing what the kids have done through the years on the court on the field on the stage in the halls. Fun.
And best of all, these fun things are wrapped around God and His promises and faithfulness and love. Wow what a blast!
So, why is this the verse connected with having a great job? It is an awesome reminder to go at everything with wild abandon. And that working hard is a gift, not something that God saddles us with. We get to work and work now while we can, for him. In his section of Ecclesiastes, Solomon reminds us that there are many things in this life that are good and worth doing and are gifts from God.
The rest of the verse is not very light hearted it says: Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. It is a particularly good reminder that our time is not really our time. It is God’s time. We cannot continue in the world forever. So, work with all our might now!
Thank God for his gift of work! Thank God for the gift of all his people and being able to work for him!