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The Lancer Express - June 2024




We are happy to report that things are on track for our wonderful building project. God has truly blessed us here at MLHS with all the work being done. As of this past week, inside the new gymnasium and expansion the low voltage, plumbing and electrical are all being roughed in.

Coming up in the project HVAC will be roughed in, while plumbing and electrical continue to work. If you have not been around campus recently, the last precast panel was installed into the gymnasium and the old parking lot was completely removed. You may have also not heard, but we are getting new windows in the building, this process started at the beginning of June and the crew continues to work hard with installation, lastly our current gym floor is in the process of being refinished and prepped for next year.

We are very excited about all that is happening around here, and we thank each of you for your patience as we work to improve MLHS for years to come!



The survey will take approximately 6 minutes to complete.

Please take a few minutes to visit with your student and together fill out this quick form regarding you high school. This is an anonymous survey, and we value your input on all of the items. Survey will close on July 2nd. Thank you.



2024-2025 Registration Checklist 

Below you will find everything you need to know to get your student(s)

registered/enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year.

Simply follow the checklist laid out below,

and please feel free to reach out with any questions

you may have along the way.

Due by July 1st, 2024


MLHS uses TADS for setting up tuition payments, and any incidental billing that takes place during a school year (dance tickets, hot lunch, t-shirts, field trip fees, etc.)  Check your home email inbox for an email from TADS and follow the steps to pick your tuition payment plan and routing information for all incidental billing. Any questions contact

Due by July 25th, 2024

WELS Enrollment

MLHS uses a Student Information System (SIS) called PowerSchool. A lot of  schools in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) use PowerSchool. For this reason, the online enrollment form you fill out will appear as if it is coming from the WELS. That is correct, and that is what MLHS needs you to fill out in order to have it feed into PowerSchool. Since this WELS enrollment is being used for all kinds of WELS high schools and grade schools, we are not able to customize the form. Please answer each item the best that you can. Check your home email for the WELS enrollment.  Contact with any questions.

Before School Checkout

Everyone should review this before school checkout which gives you the opportunity to put a starting balance on your student's hot lunch account, purchase a 2024-2025 yearbook, or purchase athletic passes. Laptop protection is available to purchase as well (please note: if you would like protection, it needs to be purchased before your student's laptop is taken home) Athletic passes can be purchased at any time of the year by coming to the main office, and you can add to your student's hot lunch balance at anytime by emailing

Due before first practice

Athletic Participation


MLHS is part of the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA). MLHS and WIAA need certain clearance forms and releases for any student that wants to participate in athletics during the 2024-2025 school year. Go to: to complete the registration process. Your student cannot participate in any practices or games until it is all completed.

August 22nd, 2024

Immunization Record

Is your child up to date with all of their required immunizations? If you are not sure, click here to find instructions on how to view and print your student's immunization record from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry. If your child is up-to-date, and you have already turned in an immunization form to MLHS in a previous year, you can skip the rest of this. If they are a new student to MLHS, print out the record and get it to the main office or email it to If you have a waiver/personal conviction, please fill out the bottom section of the form. Click HERE to print off the form and get it to the MLHS main office to have on file. 



Attention Lancer athletes and families, there is are a number of items that must be completed BEFORE participation in athletics. Click to view.

If you are having trouble with any of the links above please visit



Register or be a sponsor for the 32nd annual Lancer Golf Classic on Friday, July 19 at Par 5 Resort in Mishicot!

Learn everything you need to know about the 18-hole scramble! This year there are a lot of exciting new games, and challenges at Lancer Golf Classic, learn everything about the event by clicking here

Click image to register



Please help us spread the word that we are hiring here at MLHS! Are you or someone you know looking for a great, loving and fulfilling work environment? We are hiring!

Custodian, Regular, full-time hourly, 40+ hours/wk

POSITION SUMMARY: The primary objective of the custodian position is to maintain MLHS’ facilities (physical plant) at a level that provides a positive and safe educational environment and portrays a positive image to students, parents, friends, faculty and the general public.  It is important that the HC and other custodial positions work closely with maintenance positions to make the facilities and campus operate smoothly; therefore, communication and cooperation are essential. For more information visit

Food Service Lead, part-time, 20-30 hours/wk

MLHS is hiring a part-time food service lead. 20-30 hours per week during the school year only. This will be the head food service coordinator at MLHS, supervising 2-3 others.  Tasks include, but are not limited to: ordering and/or shopping for supplies, food preparation, serving and clean-up, etc. Physical Requirements: able to lift 50+lbs, stand for entire shift. Food safety & handling experience suggested, not required. Applications can be completed online and returned to MLHS Principal Dave Uhlhorn.


Planning a Reunion? We are here to help!

Please contact Kevin Buch at or 920-973-0465 in the Mission Advancement Office when when you begin the process; we have many options to take advantage of when planning your reunion.


Let us do the work and send out a Save the Date notification email. MLHS recommends that you send this out six months prior to the reunion. (A postcard will be mailed to any classmates who do not have an email)

  • MLHS can design the save the date announcement/image. All we need from you is the following: (If you have a design in mind we can work with you.)

    • Date of the Reunion

    • Time of Reunion

    • Location of Reunion

    • Any extra information you want on there.

    • If you have an image you would like included you can attach it to your reply.

Please Note: You will receive a list of your classmates and their contact information to verify before we send out the Save the Date. That list will come to your email soon, so watch for that.


Let us do the work and send out your Class Reunion invitation. MLHS recommends that you send this out six to eight weeks in advance of your reunion. The invitation will look similar to the save the date, but will include all of the detail about your reunion that you provide.


MLHS is happy to help promote your reunion through our social media, website, and upcoming publications. If you form a social media group, we can share a link to that as well!


Let us put together a Class Reunion Booklet for you to share!

This booklet would contain any updated information that your classmates want to share. Their updates are collected by having them all fill out an online form. A link to that form would be included on the Save the Date email/mailing, or on the invite, whichever you prefer.

MLHS will print them all out for you and have them available for you to share at the class reunion. A digital copy can also be sent to everyone. This is a nice feature especially for those that are not able to make it to the reunion.


A lot has changed since you have graduated, and we would love to share these blessings with you. This is a guided tour with lots of fun facts and maybe even some stories you didn’t know about. These tours tend to bring out memories from your time at MLHS. You might even learn about something you never even knew about!


If you would like someone to come to your celebration and give a presentation on MLHS, or be available for a short Question and Answer Session, we can line up someone to do just that!


Would you like an MLHS representative to come and take some updated class pictures? Don’t worry about finding someone in the building to take the picture! Just let us know and we can provide someone to take a class picture and some candids too! For 1 hour of your reunion we can capture the memories for you!


If you would like MLHS to put together a short video of your times here at MLHS from photos that we have on file or photos submitted from your classmates, we can do that too! This feature will depend on whether there is enough turned in to make a montage. Some classes have each person’s senior picture on the screen with any updated photo they submit along side of it. Sort of like a “that was then, this is now” type display. Of course, all of this depends on what can be pulled together. On the Save the Date and Invitation, we would include instructions on how classmates could submit their photos or short video clips for the montage.

Recently the MLHS classes of 1960, 1961, 1962, and 1963 celebrated together at Seven Lakes! It was a wonderful time to catch up with old friends, share in fellowship, and talk about MLHS!


Federation News

In this new section, information shared by the Federation congregations and Lakeshore Lutheran schools with MLHS regarding the happenings, job openings, upcoming events, news. etc. can now be found weekly all in one place! Right here in the Lancer Express.

To be featured, have questions, or have something to be included from your congregation coming up? Please email Paul Durkee ( in the Mission Advancement office for more information.

Jobs & Openings



English Language Learners Classes 

Bethany Ev. Lutheran Church, Manitowoc is working to restart its ELL classes and is in the process of building a list of potential volunteers.  Are you someone who has gifts for teaching?  Curriculum (and teacher training if needed) is provided. Or would you be willing to assist with babysitting for students and teachers?   To learn more or offer to be a part of this opportunity for friendship evangelism, please contact the Bethany church office at 920.684.9620 or email


Repeat Performance

Hours: M-F 9AM-1PM

Repeat is always looking for volunteers to help sort and move donations, stop in the store and ask for Carol about helping out.


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