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“The true purpose of arts education is not necessarily to create more professional dancers or artists. It’s to create more complete human beings who are critical thinkers, who have curious minds, who can lead productive lives.”

—Kelly Pollock

Forensics Update

The Forensics Team practices at 3:15-4:30 every Tuesday and Thursday unless excused in advance.

2025 Forensics Meets:

• Monday, February 3—Big East Conference Honors Meet @ Mishicot

• Monday, February 17—Subdistricts @ Brillion

• Monday, March 17—District Meet @ Neenah

• Saturday, March 22—The Lac Tournament (WFCA) @ Fond du Lac (optional)

• Saturday, April 12—Wisconsin Sate Speech Festival @ UW-Madison

Winter Pep Band Dates

All MLHS band students are encouraged to join us for the winter pep band dates! We also invite JLB 8th graders, alumni, parents, and LLS teachers to join us any time. The calendar linked below will automatically update as changes are made.

Sign Up to Volunteer!

The entire year of Fine Arts events is now ready for family & friends of MLHS to sign up to volunteer in various ways. As many of you know, volunteering to help at these events is not only enjoyable, but you also have the opportunity to meet other parents and support the students through your efforts. Follow the link to see all of the opportunities & sign up for your favorite spot!

Fine Arts Class Offerings

Ever wonder what Fine Arts classes are available? We offer more than you may realize! With a new semester beginning and next year’s course selections quickly approaching, we wanted to make our families aware of what is available.

Spring 2025 Fine Arts Classes

Cantate Choir (Grades 9-10)

Concert Choir (Grades 11-12)

Symphonic Band

Music Performance

General Music

Art Intro

Drawing & Painting

Advanced Art

2025-2026 School Year Fine Arts Classes

Cantate Choir

Concert Choir

Symphonic Band

Advanced Music Theory (S1)

General Music

Guitar I (S1)

Guitar II (S2)

Art Introduction (S1 or S2)

Photography (S1 or S2)

Drawing (S1)

Mixed Media (S2)

Advanced Art (S2)


Dedication Service—January 12

All MLHS band and choir students have been asked to participate in the special Dedication Service for the new gym taking place on Sunday, January 12 at 2pm. Symphonic Band will play pre-service music starting at 1:30. Students should be in their seats in the gym at 1:15. Cantate Choir and Concert Choir will be joined by students from the Lakeshore Lutheran Schools to sing The First Song of Isaiah during the service. All choir students should be in their seats in the bleachers by 1:45. Art Projects from 1st Semester will be on display during the Open House following the service. Come check out what our talented students have been up to!

MLHS Christmas Concerts—Thank you!

Thank you to all who volunteered or helped with the Christmas Concert in some way. Both concerts were well-attended, and the students did such a wonderful job sharing the Christmas message with the MLHS family and the Lakeshore community. To God be the glory! Were you unable to attend? You can still watch both concerts on the MLHS YouTube channel!



Spring Musical—Newsies

Auditions for the spring musical, Newsies, are taking place during the first week back (January 6-10). The cast will be announced by January 12 at which time the rehearsal schedule will be shared with all involved. Performance Dates: March 14, 15, 16 Adults who want to get involved with set, costumes, etc. should contact Miss Milbrath

Tips for Supporting the Arts at Home—Tip 2

Establish a dedicated art or practice space at home.

Having a dedicated art or practice space at home can significantly impact your child’s artistic and musical growth. The space doesn’t need to be large or elaborate; a simple corner with a chair, table, and storage space for supplies or a chair and music stand can suffice. The key is to create a space where your child feels free to create without worrying about making a mess or being too loud. The dedicated area will encourage regular artistic or musical practice and provide a sense of ownership over their creative process. Encourage them to use the space and compliment what you see and hear coming from it!


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