Locate the section your class is in. Click on that class to expand that section. Then click on your class name to enter into the teacher's planbook and see your assignments for the week.
Life of Christ- Pastor Krahn
Life of Christ- Mr. Uhlhorn
BIC 1- Mr. Meitner
Apologetics- Pastor Krahn
Deeper Dive into Doctrine- Pastor Krahn
Deeper Dive into Doctrine II- Pastor Krahn
Our Lutheran Heritage- Mr. Ungemach
Christian Life Planning- Pastor Krahn (Sem. 2)
Lutheran Worship, Music, & The Arts- Mr. Ungemach
Theology of the Cross- Mr. Schultz
Old Testament- Mr. Schultz
Social Studies
Geography- Mr. Uhlenbrauck
Intro to Psychology- Mr. Barthel
Geography- Mr. Meitner
World History- Mr. Meitner
American History- Mr. Dolan
AP US History- Mr. Dolan
Current Issues- Mr. Dolan
Government- Mr. Dolan
Fine Arts: Music
Symphonic Band- Miss Scharf
Cantate Choir- Miss Scharf
Concert Choir- Mr. Ungemach
Music Performance- Miss Scharf
Music Technology- Mr. Ungemach
General Music- Mr. Ungemach
Beginner Band- Miss Milbrath
Concert Winds- Miss Milbrath
Fine Arts: Art
Sciences: Science
Environmental Science- Mr. Barthel
Honors Chemistry- Mr. Barthel
Honors Physics- Mr. Barthel
Introduction to Chemistry- Mr. Muchka
Introduction to Physics- Mr. Muchka
Intro to Ag Science- Miss Scharf
Biology- Mr. Foelske
Earth/Space Science- Mr. Foelske
Honors Advanced Biology- Mr. Foelske
Construction Trades- Mr. Stuebs
Digital Media- Mr. Durkee
Foods- Mrs. Ungemach
Introduction to Engineering Design- Mr. Stuebs
Woods 1- Mr. Stuebs
Woods 2- Mr. Stuebs
Independent Living (Sem 1)- Mr. Meitner
Independent Living (Sem 2)- Mr. Meitner
Sciences: Health & PhyEd
Comm. Arts: English
English 9- Mr. Otto
American Literature- Mr. Otto
Contemporary English- Mr. Otto
Intro to American Literature II- Mr. Otto
English 9- Mrs. Hulse
British Literature- Mrs. Hulse
First Year Writing- Mrs. Hulse
ESL- Mrs. Ruediger
ESL 4- Mrs. Ruediger
Speech & Composition - Mr. Uhlenbrauck
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I- Mr. Hochmuth
Honors Algebra 2 & Trigonometry- Mr. Hochmuth
Pre-Algebra- Mr. Hochmuth
Pre-Calculus- Mr. Hochmuth
Statistics (Sem 1)- Mr. Hochmuth
Statistics (Sem 2)- Mr. Hochmuth
Algebra 2- Mrs. Pautz
Geometry- Mrs. Pautz
Algebra 1- Mr. Loberger
Comm.Arts: World Language
Accounting- Mr. Gurgel
Economics- Mr. Gurgel
Intro to Business- Mr. Gurgel
Marketing in the Digital Era- Mr. Gurgel
Personal Finance- Mr. Marohn