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  • MLHS

Student News Jan. 8th-14th

Graduation Keepsakes Calling all Seniors - Congratulations, you will soon be a high school graduate! Many gifts & keepsakes are available to help you memorialize your years in high school, as well as celebrate your accomplishments. For a complete list of pricing and available graduation keepsakes, go to


Policy Change - Missing and Late Work

As an administrative staff, we have looked at our missing and late work policy and have noticed it isn’t working like we would like it to. Students are still not being prompt with assignments being turned in. We are going to try something different in the 2nd semester that may help to encourage our students to get their work done and done on time. We will reevaluate during summer and officially adopt a new policy then. For now, see below our temporary late and missing policy that we will do for the 2nd semester. Missing work: 7+ policy still applies with no change. Any student with more than 6 missing assignments at weeks end will be ineligible for the week, in addition these students spend time after school (or before) until missing work is done. Assignments still missing and are over 2 weeks old: 1st offense is a 1 hour detention (mutually agreed time between Administration and student) Student are still eligible assuming they aren’t ineligible by another policy. 2nd offense is a 1 hour detention and 1 week ineligibility (students can’t perform (games, concerts, etc…) but could attend practice) 3rd offense is an in school detention and 1 week ineligibility (Students can’t practice or perform for a week) 4th offence, meet with principal and parents and a plan is formed, ineligible for the rest of the semester (part of the plan may be withdraw of a class, directed study hall, after school time, out of extra curricular) Late work: 10 Late assignments is a 1 hour detention (mutually agreed time between Administration and student) students are still eligible, unless another policy puts them as ineligible 15 Late assignments is a 1 hour detention and 1 week ineligibility (students can’t perform (games, concerts, etc…) but could attend practice) 20 Late assignments is an in school suspension and 1 week ineligibility (Students can’t practice or perform for a week) 30 Late assignments is a meeting with principal and parents and academic plan is formed, ineligible for rest of semester As in the past, individual exceptions may occur and will be dealt with as they come up. Communication is key.


Drivers Education Classes at MLHS

MLHS offers a classroom for Advantage Driving Center, LLC to come in and teacher drivers education. This class is offered in the spring.

If you have a student that would need classes before then, you can feel free to contact Advantage Driving Center, LLC to find out other locations and dates for your student to attend. They also have online classes. Registration is done all through Advantage. MLHS simply provides the classroom.

Click below for the 2022 Spring Driver's Education Classes at MLHS.


2022 - 2023 School Year Calendar

For all you planners out there, here is a calendar for the upcoming school year with no school dates, early dismissal dates and more. For the most part, these dates don't normally change, but with that being said, there could always be some changes as next school year approaches. To get real-time calendar information be sure to verify and confirm these dates with the online school calendar.


School Pictures Available

Student pictures for Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors are available to order or download through smugmug. Simply find your student picture, click the green "buy photos" button and choose from many size and finish options. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kock.

Please note that Senior Pictures for the Yearbook are due at the end of February. Have your photographer send your pictures to Mrs. Kock ( The photo can be landscape (horizontal) or portrait (vertical).



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