MLHS Ohio Mission Trip 2022
That’s right, some MLHS students went on a miss-
ion trip to Columbus, OH. This trip was going to happen last summer but was canceled due to COVID. Thankfully, a group of 5 students and 1 chaperone were able to go this year. We were in Columbus from June 18-25. We drove Lancer 2 both ways, and I believe most of the students enjoyed the trip for the most part. At least Shrek 1 and 2 kept them entertained for a bit.
The students’ main goal was to lead a VBS for Lamb of God Lutheran Church in Columbus. Pastor Tom Meissner is the shepherd at this congregation. Some of you may remember Pastor Meissner who taught Theology and German classes at MLHS from 2013-2019. He and his congregation helped us put on a great VBS reaching out to their community. In fact, out of the 20 children who attended the VBS, 3 of them are Mormon. The family plans on coming to other family events offered by Lamb of God in the future. God works in awesome ways! God does the impossible!
The name of the VBS we taught was “God’s Wonder Lab,” so naturally we used some of Robo Remedies’ lab coats to dress the part. Thanks, Robo Remedy! Each student was able to lead one station for the five-day VBS. The stations included Bible Challenges, Crafts, Games, Music, and Storytelling. It was enjoyable watching the high school students impactfully interact with the VBS kids. Many of the kids wanted to keep hanging-out with the teenagers after VBS was over.
Beyond our main task, we were able to participate in some outreach activities. On Monday, we went canvassing (going from door-to-door to tell others about Lamb of God) in a neighborhood across a creek from the church. This neighborhood was diverse in its social status, ethnicity, and religious views. I think each student would say this pushed them out of their comfort zones.
Members from the three WELS churches in the Columbus area banded together 35 years ago to form the Alpha Pregnancy Center. At first, the center administered expensive pregnancy tests for families in need. Now that pregnancy tests are much cheaper, Alpha distributes diapers, clothes, and toys. The center’s efforts reache 100 families a week from 11 different countries. On Wednesday, the high school students packaged diapers at Lamb of God and then distributed them later in the afternoon at the center. This is one way the churches in Columbus are showing God’s love and their Christian love to the community.
Lastly, a suburb of Columbus hosts Fourth Friday Festival during the summer and fall months. This is a block party of sorts where the main street is closed and food trucks, live music, crafts, and boutiques appear. Lamb of God has a table at the festival where they distribute information about the church but also have a prize wheel festival goers can spin. The high school students were able to help out at this table but also experience the festival for themselves.
Lamb of God appreciated having us and would like to see us come back year after year to run their VBS. The church was also a blessing to us. It truly felt we made lifetime friends with those who either hosted us for the week, hosted us for a meal, treated us to fun activities around the city, or made sure we had all the supplies we needed for VBS. Even though this is a 75-member congregation, its members do much to let their light shine. We are so very thankful for the generosity of each and every member we were able to meet. Thank you, Lamb of God!
Now of course we made sure to enjoy some of the sites Columbus has to offer! We went to a trampoline park, saw a 90-foot waterfall at Hocking Hills State Park, and enjoyed an immersive art experience called Otherworld. We also had a member treat us to an afternoon at the Columbus Zoo and a separate afternoon of duck bowling and 16-bit arcade game playing at Pins Mechanical Company.
Thanks again to those who supported our Animal’s Frozen Pizza fundraiser, to Lamb of God members, and to the parents who supported their teens in attending this trip! Please keep Lamb of God in your prayers and continue to encourage others to go on mission trips offered either through MLHS or their churches. I know the students who attended this trip would say they were able to use and better understand their God-given gifts. To God be the glory!
“Columbus was a wonderful experience and a great time. We met tons of new people and helped out a congregation, along with doing fun activities. We grew closer as a Lancer family and I would definitely go back!" – Bella Darvanian
Students: Bella Darvanian, Caleb Krahn, Dillon Miller, Mariah Austreng, and Olivia Ronski
Chaperone: Mr. King